• Focus Education

    Why Choose Us

    • Strong reputation of supporting schools for 30 years
    • Excellent feedback from teachers, headteachers, governors, inspectors, local authorities, advisors and multi-academy trusts
    • 99% of customers say they would recommend us
    • 76% of customers are returning
    • Run over 5000 courses nationwide
    • Sold more than half a million books and downloads
    • Small, passionate, caring team
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  • Education CPD Courses

    We know school budgets are tight.  We want to continue to support primary schools by providing CPD courses at sensible prices. We also realise one size doesn’t fit all, so we offer a broad range of on-demand courses that schools or individuals can buy into and watch at a time that suits them.

    We want to work with you to make productive changes and improvements for pupils and staff.

  • School Improvement

    Focus Education consultants work with schools, academies, MATs, LAs and other educational groups. All our consultancies are bespoke and tailored to meet the customer's needs. This might be a one-off consultancy or a series of visits over time. A large proportion of our clients now choose Focus Education as their preferred school improvement provider.

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