
Focus Education is a Data Controller. This means we will ask schools and academies for a primary contact name and some details to allow you to do business with us. This is a B2B relationship in which we are the data controller and the school contact is the data subject.

Focus Education has updated this privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to the privacy of our customers and visitors to our site and as a consequence of the changes we’ve made due to GDPR legislation.

The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for

Cookies and IP addresses

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our website, and gather broad demographic information.

The website uses cookies and small text files on your computer. A cookie contains identifying information and links you to the information you have provided to the website. This allows your shopping basket to be kept separate from other users and enables us to automatically complete some forms when you use them. Creating a cookie on your computer does not give the website access to other information, such as your email address.

The European Union Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (the “Directive”), which came into force on 31 July 2002, recognises that cookies are a “legitimate and useful tool” for many activities, including verifying the identity of website users. The Directive makes it compulsory for websites to inform users if cookies are being used and to provide some information on how cookies are used.

We use cookies on to improve your experience, mainly so we don’t have to ask you for your information on every page you visit.

How we may use your personal information

We may collect and store your information, including your name and job title; contact information, including email address and mobile number; dietary information (if you are attending a Focus training course); and demographic information, such as postcode.

We will not collect personal data that we do not need to provide and oversee the service we offer.

We may collect, store, and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to make this website available to you and to provide you with content which is tailored to your tastes;
  • to provide you with services that you request and to respond to any enquiries you submit through the website; and
  • monitor, develop and improve the services and your experience
  • internal record keeping
  • to send promotional emails and information about products you have purchased, special offers and information we think you might find interesting using your email address.

Contact Information

Our site’s registration form requires you to provide us with some contact information (e.g. name and email address). We sometimes use this contact information from the registration form to send you information about our company and our products and services by email, post, etc. This contact information will also be used to contact you when necessary. If at any time you wish to stop receiving information from Focus Education, please get in touch with us, and we will update our records accordingly.

This site contains links to other sites. Focus Education is not responsible for such websites' privacy practices or content.

Our site uses a form to help us manage requests. We collect contact information (like email addresses) to respond to enquiries or contact you when necessary.

Our online surveys ask for contact information (like email addresses). We use contact information from our surveys to send information about our company.

We run competitions on our site that ask for contact information (like email addresses). We use this to send information about our company and to contact you when necessary. This information is not shared with third parties.


This site has security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All instances of unauthorised attempted access to our site are logged and investigated. Focus Education will inform law enforcement agencies or other relevant organisations about misconduct where necessary.


Focus Education respects the privacy of email accounts, and we store your email addresses just as securely as other information on our site. However, we may email you with news about products, services and offers that may interest you. If you do not want to be kept informed in this way by email, please let us know. You can do this by ticking the relevant box where your email address is stored when registering or by choosing the unsubscribe option within the email. You can also email and ask to be ‘opted out’ of marketing.

Google Analytics Advertising

Focus Education has implemented Google Adwords and Google Analytics features. We use Google Adwords to support Focus Education’s click advertising and remarketing campaign by using keywords or phrases which will trigger the Focus Education advertisement.

We use Google Analytics cookies to analyse visitor traffic to the Focus Education website, determining how the website was found and what device the customer used to view it.

Where we store your data

Your personal information is stored on a secure server hosted by a Focus Education-approved contractor. The server resides in the United Kingdom.

Choice / Opt-out

Our site allows you to opt out of receiving communications from us. You can do this at any point where we request your contact information.

To remove information from our database and prevent you from receiving further communications from us in the future, you can:

  • Send your request using our online form
  • Email

If you wish to opt out of Google Adwords and/or Google Analytics, you can do this by opting out of the use of the Google Adwords and/or Google Analytics cookies or by clearing the cookies after you have left the website.

You may request details of personal information we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want a copy of the information, please write to us at the address below. Data will be supplied electronically in a commonly used format within one month of receipt of the request.

In addition, you have the right to ask us to erase, suspend the processing of or transfer personal data.

Correct / Update your personal information

To change or modify the information you have previously provided us with, you can:

  • Use the online form to provide us with the correct or updated information;
  • Email

Contacting this website:

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can use the relevant details on our Contact Us page or email

Our promise to our customers and partners:

  • We only process and store data with your agreement
  • We will use and continue to update safeguards around data handling
  • We will impose confidentiality requirements on all our staff
  • We will not retain data that is no longer used or needed and will destroy it in line with GDPR

Breach notification

In the event of a data breach, Focus Education will follow the Information Commissioner’s Office guidelines.


Focus Education does not transfer data to countries outside the EEA. The cloud providers we work with guarantee that data is only processed in the EEA or that they explicitly abide by the regulation.

Please report your data protection-related concerns to:

Last Updated 9th May 2024

Legal disclaimer

The information, graphics and other materials provided on this website are for general information purposes only and subject to the terms and conditions below.
Your use of this site acknowledges your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. If you disagree with them, please do not use this site.
 Whilst Focus Education and its directors have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information, graphics and other materials on this website are accurate in all material respects at the time of inclusion, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors or inaccuracies.
 Focus Education makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, fairness or completeness of the information, graphics and other materials provided on this website or via hypertext links or any other item used either directly or indirectly from this website and reserves the right to make changes and corrections to such information graphics and other materials at any time, without notice. 
By accessing this website, you agree that Focus Education will not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions or any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, losses, liabilities, expenses or costs of whatever nature arising from or attributable to anyone having access to or using, or not being able to use, the information, graphics and other materials on this website or any website which is hyperlinked to this website.
Other websites which you may have access to through this website are provided to you for convenience only. Focus Education does not make any representations regarding these other websites and shall not be responsible for the content or use of such websites.
All copyrights in the information, most graphics, and other materials on this website are owned by Focus Education. The reproduction, permanent storage or transmission of the contents of this website is prohibited without the prior written consent of Focus Education. Without liability whatsoever, Focus Education may, without notice, modify and/or discontinue the operation of all or parts of this site at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility to update the site.
You must satisfy yourself that you may lawfully access this website, read the pages and act upon the material contained in the pages. Focus Education accepts no responsibility for any unauthorised access or actions you have taken regarding these matters.


Accessibility for people with disabilities

Our company is committed to complying with the Disability Discrimination Act and has made many improvements to our website to reduce the barriers experienced by people with disabilities. Concerning Government guidelines, our policy is to create pages to W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Priority 2 level. 
If you find any of our pages inaccessible, please contact us to let us know (including details of your computer/web browser), and we will make every reasonable effort to restructure the information in a format that you find acceptable.

Resizing text

If the text on our website is too small, you can resize it accordingly. Instructions for doing this are given for most major browsers below:

All other browsers should be able to resize the text directly from the menu bar. If you are having difficulty, please see your specific browser's help pages.

Downloadable documents

We try to provide downloadable documents in formats such as PDF or Microsoft Word.
 If you have difficulties obtaining information from a PDF file, you can use Adobe’s web-based conversion service to produce an HTML version (however, please be aware that the standard HTML produced is not perfect).
 If you find any of our downloadable documents present a barrier to accessing information because of a disability, please contact us, giving details of the document in question, the problems encountered and what we could do to help.

Equality and diversity

Our approach is diversity-positive, and we are actively committed to policies and action to ensure that our employees and the people we serve are valued and not discriminated against based on disability, ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality or gender. 
This has significant business benefits as it improves our performance, provides us access to new markets, enhances our reputation and reduces staff turnover. 
At Focus Education, we take equal opportunities into account at every stage of the company’s work and integrate it into our policies on recruiting and managing staff, delivering our services and working with other organisations.
Committed to an approach whereby equality and diversity underpin all the services we provide for our clients, we ensure that services are accessible in the broadest possible sense of the word (including physical and communication), recognising different needs and individual choices.