Our Flagship Curriculum

Our flagship curriculum, the Learning Challenge Curriculum, has been designed to help you create your own bespoke curriculum that is ambitious and knowledge-rich, creating curious and motivated learners. We’ve focused on History, Geography and Science as our main drivers, and we’ve produced Art & Design and Design & Technology units to complement them, enabling your pupils to do more, know more, and remember more.

Watch our video to find out about the latest updates and future plans including an introduction to 'Ask Elsie' who is our new AI helper...

Enquiry Based-Learning

Developed with enquiry-based learning at its heart, we have ensured that each unit of learning is led by an overarching enquiry question linking to the composites set out in the National Curriculum. Within each unit, four or five components have been developed based around sub-enquiry questions to support your children to thrive when immersed in the learning process.

Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge

Our Learning Challenge Curriculum is built on sequencing knowledge and skills progressively. Long-term overviews make both the substantive and disciplinary knowledge children need to know explicit for your teachers, and progression within each unit is clear, too.


When implementing the Learning Challenge Curriculum, all of our units ensure that time is spent igniting children’s prior knowledge (link it), a focus on new learning (learn it), regular checkpoints to ensure your children are keeping up (check it), an opportunity for them to also reflect on their learning (show it), and retrieval activities that will happen after their learning has been completed (know it).

Progression within the unit of learning

We have designed the LCC to support teachers and leaders nationwide in developing their own narratives through their schools, ensuring knowledge is sequenced effectively, building on prior learning and highlighting the ‘golden threads’ that run through.

Resources to support staff

Each school needs to be clear about what they want their pupils to be able to do, know and remember by the time they leave, and our Learning Challenge Curriculum enables you to do this by including numerous resources that we have produced to support and inspire both your staff and your children. These include (but the list is not exhaustive):

  • progression maps
  • long term plans
  • schemes of work
  • knowledge organisers
  • retrieval activities
  • low stake quizzes

Constantly Evolving

It’s a curriculum that doesn’t stand still. We regularly review our content and ensure that our consultants develop new resources to broaden the level of support that we can provide for your school.

Find out more...

Book a Live Demo (over Zoom)

You can book a one-to-one online session over Zoom with our curriculum consultant, Alex, to learn more about the Learning Challenge Curriculum. This is a ‘walk-through’ of the website by a former assistant head who has used it. There is no sales pitch and no obligation to buy. 

You can book this by clicking here: 


Sign up for a free trial

Sign up for a free trial here to look around our website

Explainer Video

Watch our video explaining the Learning Challenge Curriculum from our founder, Clive Davies.  We also have some other videos in this section that might give you further information.

*** If you only have time to watch ONE video, then watch this one.  This video explains where we are currently, what’s included and all about the new AI feature, Ask Elsie.***

Free Unit

View a complete unit and end-of-unit assessment for Year 4 History by clicking here.

View a complete unit and end-of-unit assessment for Year 1 Geography by clicking here.

View a complete unit and end-of-unit assessment for Year 6 Science by clicking here.

User Experiences

Follow us on X (Twitter) to see how schools use it and read some reviews.  Our X (Twitter) username is @FocusEd_LCC.

View Testimonials

Read what other schools have been saying about it.

View extracts from Ofsted reports

Read extracts where Ofsted has mentioned the curriculum (and the school has been using our Learning Challenge Curriculum).


Check out our frequently asked questions on the website

Latest Updates

Please read our latest newsletter to learn what content we’ve added to the website and what's coming next.

To see a complete list of all the updates that have been added month by month, visit our What’s new? page.