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Let's Talk: PSHCE Curriculum (BUNDLES)

Let's Talk: PSHCE Curriculum (BUNDLES)

Clive Davies & Alex Neophitou

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Let’s Talk is a PSHCE Curriculum designed to provide children from EYFS to Year 6 with a range of relevant issues they can discuss and debate. Three themes run throughout the curriculum, supporting children’s thinking about themselves as individuals, as members of a group with their peers and considering the impact of these issues on others.

How is it structured?
For years 1 to 6, there are twelve issues (units) per year group. 
For EYFS, there are eight issues per year. These are set out as EYFS1 (nursery) and EYFS2 (reception). In schools without a nursery, you can dip into both and decide which units best suit your children’s needs. 
What does each issue look like? 
Each issue (unit) follows a similar format. Each has a link to a text (to help schools’ budgets, we have chosen texts with internet links to the text being read). 
Each issue has a scenario that considers a situation linked to the central theme, which children will discuss. The scenario is child-friendly and helps children link the main issue to a realistic situation they may have experienced themselves. What might be new vocabulary is highlighted so staff can introduce them before reading the scenario.  

There is also a more generic dilemma, a simple statement that helps children contextualise the issue.

For each issue, there is a range of activities that do not put a great emphasis on children having to write. Sometimes, children are asked to create tables, lists, drawings or diagrams, but this can be done in pairs/groups or as a whole class.

Why ‘Let’s Talk’?
Schools need to provide children with opportunities to talk about issues relevant to them and their world, whether something they are going through alone, an issue they have with their friends or one that impacts others in the wider community. Let’s Talk gives teachers the resources they need to provide a safe environment for children to explore these real-life issues through the stories they explore and the carefully crafted scenarios and dilemmas balanced with realistic expectations within a school’s busy timetable. We hope you enjoy using Let’s Talk as much as we have enjoyed putting it together!

What is included?
When you buy Let’s Talk, you get all of the issues (units) in PDF format. This allows you to teach directly from them on your classroom screen.

A vocabulary overview has also been put together and included in the Whole School Bundle, so that subject leaders can easily see the development in this aspect.

There is also a set of termly newsletters to introduce the parents to the issues that their children will be exploring in their learning, which include links to the texts being discussed. 

You can access two free ‘issues’ / units (enter FREE in Discount code box and checkout as normal)
Year 2 Issue 5 How Important is it to have friends?
Year 4 Issue 9 Why is it wrong to discriminate?

You can purchase these units separately at just £5 per unit
Year 1 Issues
Year 2 Issues
Year 3 Issues
Year 4 Issues
Year 5 Issues
Year 6 Issues

Useful Information

Product Reference: LTPSHE
Format: eBook
Pages: Various
Publisher: Focus Education (UK) Ltd
Published Date: September 2024

Let's Talk: EYFS1 - Does being the strongest make you the best?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - How do I know if my friends are feeling sad?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - How do I make friends?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - What can I do for myself?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - What makes me feel sad?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - Why does sharing mean caring?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - Why don’t we like the word ‘No’?
Let's Talk: EYFS1 - Why shouldn’t it matter what my friends look like?

Let's Talk: EYFS2 - Do I really understand why my friends feel different to me?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - How can I control my emotions?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - How do I carry on when something is hard to do?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - How do I keep safe at home, on the road and online?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - How do I know if I am eating healthily?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - Why is it important to ask for permission?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - Why is it important to tell the truth?
Let's Talk: EYFS2 - Why is my family important to me?

Let's Talk: Y1 - Is doing my best good enough?
Let's Talk: Y1 - What are rules for?
Let's Talk: Y1 - What does it mean to be kind?
Let's Talk: Y1 - What does the word hygiene mean?
Let's Talk: Y1 - What makes you happy?
Let's Talk: Y1 - What makes you sad?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Who are the people that are important to you?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Who is in your family?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Why is it important to keep safe?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Why is it sometimes important to say no?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Why is money important?
Let's Talk: Y1 - Why is teasing an unkind thing to do?

Let's Talk: Y2 - How do you know if you are safe online?
Let's Talk: Y2 - How important is it to have friends?
Let's Talk: Y2 - What are your rights and responsibilities?
Let's Talk: Y2 - What can we do to save our planet?
Let's Talk: Y2 - What does it mean to be ambitious?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Which parts of your body are private?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why are we afraid of the dark? 
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why do you get angry?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why is everyone different?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why is exercise important?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why is your home special to you?
Let's Talk: Y2 - Why should you eat your vegetables?

Let's Talk: Y3 - How do I help someone who is shy and has concerns?
Let's Talk: Y3 - How do my actions impact others?
Let's Talk: Y3 - Should I take more responsibility for my community?
Let's Talk: Y3 - What are my relationship rights and responsibilities?
Let's Talk: Y3 - What do we mean by restorative justice? 
Let's Talk: Y3 - What impact could smoking have on my life?
Let's Talk: Y3 - What is and is not bullying?
Let's Talk: Y3 - What should I do to keep myself safe?
Let's Talk: Y3 - Why can social media be positive and negative?
Let's Talk: Y3 - Why do our feelings sometimes get out of control?
Let's Talk: Y3 - Why is it important to always tell the truth?
Let's Talk: Y3 - Why is it okay to be different?

Let's Talk: Y4 - Does being disabled prevent people from reaching their goals?
Let's Talk: Y4 - How can I cheer myself up?
Let's Talk: Y4 - How can I overcome the things I am frightened of?
Let's Talk: Y4 - Is being good something you learn or something that comes naturally?
Let's Talk: Y4 - Is it okay to reach for the stars?
Let's Talk: Y4 - Should I be ashamed if I am ever jealous?
Let's Talk: Y4 - What do I need to do to be responsible if I have a mobile phone?
Let's Talk: Y4 - What do we mean by the phrase ‘antisocial behaviour’?
Let's Talk: Y4 - What should I do if someone is picking on me?
Let's Talk: Y4 - When did you experience something special for the first time?
Let's Talk: Y4 - Why is it wrong to discriminate?
Let's Talk: Y4 - Why should my community matter to me?

Let's Talk: Y5 - Am I strong enough to resist pressure from my peers?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Do I do enough to help save our planet?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Do I have enough resilience to carry on with something I find hard?
Let's Talk: Y5 - How could I cope with losing someone who is dear to me?
Let's Talk: Y5 - What do I know about savings and having a bank account?
Let's Talk: Y5 - What happens if I fall out with my special friend?
Let's Talk: Y5 - What is meant by a stereotype?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Why are families not all the same?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Why do some people find it easy to be prejudiced?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Why do we have to be careful using the internet?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Why should I be proud of who I am and where I am from?
Let's Talk: Y5 - Why should we embrace change and not be frightened of it?

Let's Talk: Y6 - Do I always make the right choices?
Let's Talk: Y6 - Do I know why any form of discrimination is negative?
Let's Talk: Y6 - How can I be sure that I will never curb my ambition?
Let's Talk: Y6 - How can I snap out of a mood that sees me not liking myself?
Let's Talk: Y6 - Should we always listen to rumour and gossip?
Let's Talk: Y6 - Taking drugs and smoking are bad, so why do so many do it?
Let's Talk: Y6 - What are our responsibilities for ensuring our environment is safe in the future?
Let's Talk: Y6 - What are the dangers of joining a gang?
Let's Talk: Y6 - What do we mean by the term ‘refugee’?
Let's Talk: Y6 - What is democracy, and is it a good thing?
Let's Talk: Y6 - What is difficult about children fitting into a new setting?
Let's Talk: Y6 - Why do adults pay taxes?

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