Page 170 - Focus on English
P. 170

Year 5 Objectives: Writing

COMPOSITION                                                Evaluate and edit

Plan writing.                                              Assess the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing.

Identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.      Suggest changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
                                                           to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
Select the appropriate form and register for the audience
and purpose of the writing.                                Ensure the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a
                                                           piece of writing.
Note and develop initial ideas.
                                                           Ensure correct subject and verb agreement when using
Use knowledge of the writer’s craft from their reading.    singular and plural.

Use knowledge from research.                               Distinguish between the language of speech and writing.

In writing narratives, consider how authors have           Distinguish between the formal and informal spoken and
developed characters and settings in what they have        written language.
read, listened to or seen performed.
                                                           Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.
Draft and write
                                                           Perform their own compositions, using
Use the appropriate grammar and vocabulary for the         appropriate intonation, volume, and movement
audience and purpose.                                      so that meaning is clear.

Understand how grammar and vocabulary choices can
change and enhance meaning.

Understand how grammar and vocabulary choices
create impact on the reader.

In narratives, integrate description, action and dialogue
to convey character and plot.

Précis short passages, conveying key information.

Use a range of devices to build cohesion within and
across paragraphs.

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