Page 172 - Focus on English
P. 172

Year 5 Objectives Grammar

Year 5                      Sentence Structure Text Structure                    Punctuation               Terminology
Word Structure

Converting nouns or         Relative clauses         Devices to build            Brackets, dashes or       relative clause, modal
adjectives into verbs       beginning with who,      cohesion within a           commas to indicate        verb, relative pronoun,
using suffixes (e.g. –ate;  which, where, why,       paragraph (e.g. then,       parenthesis               parenthesis, bracket,
–ise; –ify)                 or whose or an omitted   after that, this, firstly)                            dash, cohesion,
                            relative pronoun.                                    Use of commas to clarify  ambiguity
Verb prefixes (e.g. dis–,                            Linking ideas across        meaning or avoid
de–, mis–, over– and re–)   Indicating degrees of    paragraphs using            ambiguity
                            possibility using modal  adverbials of time (e.g.
                            verbs (e.g. might,       later), place (e.g.
                            should, will, must) or   nearby) and number
                            adverbs (e.g. perhaps,   (e.g. secondly) or tense
                            surely)                  choices (For example,
                                                     He had seen her

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