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Inspection Briefings for School Leaders

Inspection Briefings for School Leaders

Tim Nelson

Regular price £35.00 GBP
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BOOK 3 OR MORE BRIEFINGS AND GET £5 OFF EACH ONE.  E.g, Book 3 places or briefings for just £90, Book 6 places or briefings for just £180 (which means you are getting one free!)

*** If the delegate(s) attending are different to the person making the booking, please email with the names and email addresses of the person(s) attending the course.  If you would like more than one person to attend, please add the required quantity of people to the basket ***

In response to feedback from our highly popular Headteacher Inspection Training courses, when delegates have asked if they can be kept informed of future updates to the inspection process and see best practice from schools that have been inspected, we are continuing to offer this popular service throughout the current and next academic year.

These half-termly online sessions will inform headteachers and deputy headteachers of the latest messages from Ofsted. These will be highly relevant and up-to-date, informed by the latest training for inspectors, as well as feedback and first-hand experience from schools that have recently been inspected. With Focus Education working with schools across the whole of England we can draw upon a wide range of best practice and advice, condensing this into concise and meaningful updates for busy senior leaders. Each half-termly session will run for between 30 to 60 minutes depending on content and all material will be shared as a handout.

These sessions will be available to access via Teams.

3rd March 2025 4pm-5pm (IB19)
28th April 2025 4pm-5pm (IB20)
30th June 2025 4pm-5pm (IB21)
8th Sept 2025 4pm-5pm (IB22)
20th Oct 2025 4pm-5pm (IB23)

Book 3 or more and get £5 off each one (discount is applied automatically)

In response to feedback from delegates who have attended our online courses, the course content is delivered mainly through explanation and a didactic approach by the course leader. There are opportunities throughout the courses for delegates to ask questions, contribute ideas and share opinions. Course leaders will respond to any comments in ‘Chat’ throughout the course. We realise that some delegates prefer a more activity-based approach to CPD, with tasks and directed Q&A sessions, but the large majority of our attendees prefer the former type of delivery. We are also aware that this normally better suits the training we are providing e.g. briefings about Ofsted. Please be aware of this when considering booking. Thank you.

Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development Statement

  • This course is underpinned by rigorous scholarship and supported by continual development and support. It meets the DfE’s Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development in the following ways:

  • This professional development course has a focus on improving and evaluating pupil outcomes;

  • It is underpinned by robust evidence and expertise, and is clear on intended outcomes and objectives;

  • There is an expectation of collaboration and there will be expert challenge;

  • The course is part of a CPD programme designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills required to effectively implement within their school, and sustain improvements over time.

Course Leader: Tim Nelson

Focus Education resources must be used by the purchasing school, organisation or individual only. They are for use within one school or organisation and must not be used across a federation, academy trust, chain or any other collection of schools or organisations. Focus Education prohibits the distribution of the content of its resources either physically or electronically outside the purchasing school or organisation, including placing the whole or parts of a resource on social media or websites.

See Terms & Conditions.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Anne Morrell
Inspection Briefing

Always so informative. Thank you.

Paul Dadson
Inspection Briefing

That it was very relevant and focussed around the key information that we need to know in relation to leaders. Well presented and clearly explained. 

Inspection Briefing - clear

I liked that the conference was very clear. Just an hour with all the key points - great that it was recorded

Inspection Briefings

I liked that the conference was very clear. Just an hour with all the key points - great that it was recorded.

Inspection Briefings

Useful information clearly given. As a current inspector, Tim’s insights were very informative. I would welcome such an update termly, delivered online.